Hospitality is about Breaking Down Barriers, Not Putting Them Up.

Hospitality is about Breaking Down Barriers, Not Putting Them Up.

If you’ve ever worked in hospitality, you know that the moment you started your first role, it represented a challenge.

Whether it was your first job or the first time you had to face a customer or a guest. Maybe it was the first time you had to manage a team of people, or maybe it meant getting out of your comfort zone on every level.

When you work in this industry, you know that there are many challenges along the way, and with these challenges, comes the strength to overcome them.


The thing is, sometimes some of these challenges will feel like barriers. But before we get into the type of barriers that we might find within this industry, let’s clarify the meaning of what they represent.


A barrier is a fence or an obstacle that prevents movement or access to something or somewhere.

  • A barrier could be the fact that you don’t speak the same language, or that you have different abilities and skills within your team.


  • It could mean that you are from a different country and you have traditions of your own different from the ones they celebrate where you are at that moment.


  • It could also mean that you have different neurological abilities and therefore your approach to learning and adapting might be slightly different than others.


There are so many different barriers that could be added onto this list. The truth is, that every single one of us who has worked in this industry has had to deal with at least one of them.


In hospitality you learn how to break down barriers, not put them up.


One of the many wonders of this industry is that you meet so many people that are similar to yourself. You also start to notice how your weaknesses are someone else’s strengths and that you can learn from them.


You realise that even though you might be away from home, the people around you become your feeling of home.

More importantly, you understand how important it is to be yourself and to appreciate other’s for who they truly are. To embrace diversity which makes hospitality so great.


Being able to represent yourself and where you come from is one of your biggest strengths. It means being able to connect with different coworkers and guests who might be feeling the same way.


In hospitality, you also break down the barrier between different backgrounds, traditions, and cultures. Every single one of us has something unique and beautiful to bring to the table to make our guests feel even more special.


The true meaning of hospitality is about creating memories and great experiences. In the world we are living in at the moment, human connection surpasses any form of technology when it comes to creating meaningful connections.

Teamwork, hard work, and passion can make incredible things happen.

More than any other industry, hospitality involves global locations, and people from diverse cultures, backgrounds, and identities. It’s an industry that quite literally welcomes everyone.

Hospitality is about inclusion, making sure that everyone has the same opportunities to work and grow in their careers. The more diverse your business is, the more attractive your employer brand and the better your profitability.

This is why when you work in hospitality, you’re working towards breaking down barriers and not putting them up. You allow the people around you to get to know you for who you are and in that moment of vulnerability that you share, you are one step closer to breaking down barriers of old thoughts and beliefs.

Vulnerability is a strength. The strength to let people connect with you and also, see themselves in you.


Working in hospitality brings countless opportunities for you to grow and learn things about yourself that you didn’t know before.


It is the best way to not only make people around you enjoy incredible experiences, but to work towards always breaking down barriers, and never putting them up.

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