Recommended for:

Deputy Managers, General Managers, HR/L&D Leaders and Business Partners, Management at all levels, Operations & Area managers, Senior managers

About this course

Both coaching and mentoring are great techniques for learning and can be formal or informal respectively. These techniques can significantly improve employee performance and therefore they are key skills for any leader to possess.

In this course participants will learn the difference between coaching and mentoring. They will learn the skills needed to be effective in both, as well as learn some models to deliver effective learning experiences for their team. By the end of this course, participants will come away with the confidence to hold effective and structured meetings, setting clear objectives to enhance their business performance through their people.

Learning Outcome:

  • Understand the difference between coaching and mentoring and the purpose of both
  • They will distinguish the roles of the Coach/Coachee and Mentor/Mentee and what each is responsible for
  • Use different coaching models to help their team achieve objectives
  • Understand the structure of both coaching and mentoring, as well as different questioning techniques and understand when to push and pull.