Recommended for:

Executives, General Managers, Head Chefs, HR/L&D Leaders and Business Partners, Operations & Area managers, Senior managers

About this course

The term “Leadership” has been a hot topic in the hospitality industry and is often thrown around to loosely. The title of a leader is earned and not given. Anyone can learn to be a manager, but to inspire a team to want to follow you is a whole different ballgame. Every person is unique and wonderfully different, which is the challenge that most leaders face. True leadership is about the team and their performance success rather than who is leading; Only with the right mindset and highly developed people skills can this be possible.

Learning Outcome:

  • To develop deeper understanding of self and how this impacts decisions and behaviours
  • How to influence the behaviour and performance of the team by appreciating the differences each individual has with motivation, communication and aspirations
  • To communicate and share your vision with clarity and impact
  • You will own and take responsibility for how your actions directly affect results at all levels of the business
  • To develop the key skills required to be an agile leader
  • To grow and inspire future leaders

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